Introvert on Stage

Content To Cashflow + Life Update (storytime!)

August 31, 2021 Olivia Lee

Guess who had the biggest COVID scare? ME!!!

Thankfully, my mother and I both tested negative... So strange how we now live during a time when having the slightest of a cough concerns us greatly.

I was greatly ill and lost the ability to talk without coughing every 3-seconds for at least two or three weeks and noticed that my energy in the last episode I uploaded was affected by my sickness. And since my priority is to provide value each week, I decided it would be better to take a break and come back when I'm feeling better.

Knowing myself, I couldn't be gone for more than two weeks. So here I am again!

During the few weeks of sickness, I practiced Chakra Healing Meditation and trained my brain to stop worrying and focusing on what to be grateful for instead. I'm greatly thankful for me and my family's health, ability to reach you all through this platform, having a voice to share my message through, and having ten short yet healthy fingers to be able to write this message.

There are SOO many things that we take for granted that we should be thankful for each and every day on this Earth. And I send you positive thoughts and energy~ hope you and your loved ones are staying happy and healthy as well.

As mentioned in the episode, I'll be focusing more on helping introverted entrepreneurs (like my past self) with video marketing, camera confidence, and of course content marketing!

All we need to be is just one step ahead of someone we want to help, and being sick helped me realize that who I want to bring most value to is me in the past. Shy girl who had a message to share with the world, but didn't know where to start.

From today forward, I hope to be your favorite storytelling coach!
Love you all!

Much love,

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